Gender dan E Commerce: Pemetaan Pemanfaatan E Commerce Pada Perempuan Pemilik Industri Kreatif Songket di Kota Palembang

UNIVERSITAS BINA DARMA, UNIVERSITAS BINA DARMA (2022) Gender dan E Commerce: Pemetaan Pemanfaatan E Commerce Pada Perempuan Pemilik Industri Kreatif Songket di Kota Palembang. Gender dan E Commerce: Pemetaan Pemanfaatan E Commerce Pada Perempuan Pemilik Industri Kreatif Songket di Kota Palembang.

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: The purpose of this study is investigating the use of ecommerce in improving the empowerment of women owners of songket weaving industry in Palembang. This songket woven industry is classified as creative industries based on fashion and craft. The data show that creative industries based on fashion and craft have a high contribution in the national economy. Therefore, the government has some policies in the coaching and develoving this creative industry, uch as increasing the coaching of business groups that are under the creative industries, especially those based on fashion and craft areas. Palembang is known for its songket weaving craft where most of the business owners of this industry are women. In line with technological developments that increasingly rapidly trading system began to apply electronic trading system known as e-commerce. By conducting quantitative research, the research will analyze the utilization of e commerce among women owned songket industry. The result show that women owned songket industry not fully enganged with e commerce to promote and sell their product. They rather to use media social such as facebook and instagram to run their business due because it is cheaper and more efficient to reach their consumers.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
Divisions: Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences > School of Art
Depositing User: Mr Edi Surya Negara
Date Deposited: 27 Jun 2022 04:08
Last Modified: 27 Jun 2022 04:08

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